Teachings & Contemplations

“Suffering is a catalyst for awakening
Love is a catalyst for Transformation.”

— Nancy

“To Master the mind
Observe it in fearless compassion.”

— Nancy

“In the Heart we find the depth of our Humanity
And the Truth of our Divinity.”


Exploring dynamics of attraction, aversion and indifference

Aloha Everyone! When we come into contact with objects of perception and attention which include things that we think about as well as encountering other people and their ideas or opinions, there are three feelings that may be at the root and/or form the basis on which may give rise to some of the more coarse or afflicted emotions and thoughts which are the basis of suffering within our minds and in relationship to others.

I invite you to observe and become aware of attraction, aversion and indifference in everyday interrelating and thoughts that move through your mind…

I define mind as a succession of states of consciousness characterized by will, thought, and feeling.

If you feel attracted to any object or thought, what follows? More thoughts? Grasping? Projected action in relationship to the object?
If you feel aversion in the form of dislike or repugnance, what follows? Increasing thoughts? anger? Does it spiral into deeper and dense feelings?
If you feel indifferent to something, what informs that feeling?
Do these feelings feel immediate like a knee-jerk reaction? Do they build through thinking?

This exploration and contemplation is to facilitate a deeper understanding of the mind through observation and potentially transform self-created suffering.

Understanding Perception through Conscious Observation

Aloha Everyone! I would like to invite you to contemplate and explore perception based on this definition;

Perception; A way of regarding, understanding or interpreting something; a mental impression.

Here are a few things to consider and explore:

How do you perceive what is arising within and without?
What is the basis for how you interpret whatever comes into consciousness?
Is it complicated?
Is it layered with other ideas or beliefs?
Is there a difference between you as the perceiver and what you perceive?

This contemplation is a stimulus for engaging your experience in conscious observation, creating space in the mind and expanding the capacity of Awareness.

Clearing mental confusion through mastering attention. Meditation practice for relaxing attention in the Heart Essence.

Six practical tools for cultivating clarity in the midst of overthinking and feelings of fear and anxiety.